Super Simple Smoothie

Super Simple Vegan Protein Smoothie For The Super Busy

There’s just something about a rich and creamy smoothie that we can’t get enough of. Smoothies are a super-convenient way to satisfy cravings, and this smoothie recipe is super simple and great if you are in a rush. Best of all is the fact that this smoothie recipe is not loaded with unhealthy fats, simple refined sugars, artificial colours, and artificial sweeteners. No, this smoothie contains only the best natural ingredients, just as nature intended. Made with vanilla pea protein along with a banana, organic coconut milk, and ice, that’s all that goes into this smoothie.

Despite the simple list of ingredients, this vegan protein smoothie is fantastic for those of you looking to healthy and sculpted without having to consume protein derived from living creatures. Made with natural vegan pea protein, this smoothie delivers all essential amino acids needed by the body. Essential amino acids cannot be naturally synthesized, so they must come from dietary sources. The banana helps provide minerals and electrolytes which fight cramp and fatigue, plus it also gives you a sustained release of energy to get through the day. Combine this with the health benefits of coconut milk and it’s easy to see why this smoothie is such a winner in so many people’s eyes.

Enjoy before or after your workout and you’ll soon have more energy than you know what to do with.


Perfect for: Breakfast

Cooking Time: 10 min of less

Serves: 1


1 scoop of White Wolf Nutrition Vanilla All-in-One Protein Blend

200mL of Organic Coconut Milk 

1 Ripe Banana

Add Ice to make desired consistancy 


1. Pour 200mL of Coconut Milk in first 

2. Add Ice as needed 

3. Peel Banana and break into small pieces 

4. Add White Wolf Nutrition Vanilla All-in-One Protein Blend

5. Blend for up to 30 Seconds

6. Enjoy

BUY Vanilla All In One Protein & Superfood Blend